Friday, June 18, 2010

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

my roommate is Caucasian and I suppose she has a regular amount of hair loss. I know its natural.

I' woke up this morning, found stands of hair in my bed!

I go to the bathroom I look in my underwear and pull out a brown strand of hair!!!!!!!

the last straw that had me type this is when I just pulled a strand of hair from my jacket!

I really am afraid Im going to masturbate and pull a strand of hair from inside my neither regions. Its happened before when I was with an asian roomate.

so my question is, for ppl who have had to deal with random caucasion hair, what the heck to I do to keep it from bothering me. I suppose whites are used to this, but Im not!

Please help me.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Well, first of all, vacuum more, and shake out your bedding before climbing in. Get a lint brush for your clothing.

You also may try asking her not to brush her hair so much in the room, but to do it in the bathroom instead. Explain that her hair is getting all over her things. Be nice about it, though. We whities can't help it!

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

stop putting her head between your legs

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Random Caucasian hair? That is the strangest thing I have ever heard....

Tell this girl her hair loss bothers you. She probably has no clue that it's even happening.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Hair is hair - if you have any at all, you're going to shed.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

otther than shave her head idk what to tell ya. everyone sheds some

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Tell her it's bothering you and ask that she vaccuum up a bit more since it is her hair.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

What the hell are you talking about?

Do you mean that you're black and because of that you have less hair loss than other races?

That's silly. My boyfriend is black and he loses just as much hair as I do.

It's just hair. It's not gonna hurt you.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

LOL! It's funny because it's true. White girl hair gets everywhere! I'm not sure there's much you can do, maybe tell your roommate to clean up after herself - it's certainly not your responsibility to.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Move out and live with a black girl instead. They are less likey to loose hair.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

If you two are close enough for her hair to end up in your underwear and in your bed, it's all part of the relationship.

On another note, if you're finding it everywhere, it could be a medical thing. Like Hypothyroidism, for example. Otherwise, maybe keeping it up on a regular basis would help out some.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

See a mental health specialists ASAP. You really need more help than you can receive here.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Yes, you're right. This Caucasian/white person is use to it. I grew up with Caucasian hair. Everybody in my family has it too. ITS EVERYWHERE!! I've come to accept it as a way of life - something that I'm just going to have to live with.

No, I didn't ask to be born with Caucasian hair. I feel cursed. But ya know, when I walk down the street, people aren't whispering about me "Oh look Gladys, there's that bisexual woman." No. I know that's not what they're whispering. They're whispering AND pointing "There goes that woman with the CAUCASIAN HAIR!!".

I've had to live with it. I think you can too.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

All races shed. It's a natural and normal thing for ALL humans as well as other haired mamals, to do.

Don't think just because you're a certain race that you're immune from shedding. Trust me, I'm sure your roommate has found stray hairs of yours in strange places as well. It's normal and natural...unless you're bald from head to toe...this means no body hair either.

So, don't freak out about your roommate's hair...not unless your roommate is freaking out about finding your hair all over the place too.

If this is the case, then maybe you two just need to agree to share the household chores a bit better.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

Restaurant employees have a simple solution! Go to McDonald's and ask for one of their hair nets so you can give it to your roommate to wear around your house. Or ask your roommate to wear a shower bonnet on her head when she's walking around the house.

What do I do about Caucasian hair!?

I know exactly what you're saying,i have long hair and i do my families wash together,my brother tells me to separate his tshirts from mine before washing because my hair strands get in his clean laundry,he says they irritate the heck out of him.

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